a member of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod
701 S First Street | Milbank, SD 57252
Giving & Financial Information
Christian Stewardship is the free and joyous activity of the child of God and God's family, the church, in managing all of life & life's resources for God's purposes. Each of us is called to worship God with our entire life, including our time, talents, and resources. Sharing those resources is an important way to worship the Giver of all good things. Emanuel pledges to be a good steward of your gifts, taking great care in how we manage and track the resources entrusted to us.
Giving Methods
You may make your gifts in a variety of forms. You will receive a receipt from the church office of your tax-deductible gifts on a semi-annual basis.
You can give cash during worship services or drop it off at the church office during normal business hours.
Checks or Money Orders
Checks or money orders can be given by:
placing in the offering plate during worship
dropping it off at the church office during normal business hours
mailing to the church office
Direct Deposit
Simplify your giving by authorizing an automated transfer of funds for your regular tax-deductible giving. Simply fill out the "Electronic Funds Transfer" form available in the church office, or download here and return to the church office. Once your form is received, you will receive confirmation of enrollment. You may change or discontinue the debits at any time by contacting the church office.
Tribute Gifts
Whether it’s a birthday, graduation, the arrival of a new grandchild, a wedding or anniversary, or another special day or event that’s close to your heart—these special occasions are wonderful opportunities to honor those remarkable people in your life with a Living Tribute gift to Emanuel Lutheran Church. A Living Tribute gift also provides a lasting memorial to a departed loved one. You will have peace of mind knowing that gifts that pay tribute to loved ones or cherished events will help Emanuel Lutheran Church continue its mission.
Endowment Fund
Planned gifts enhance your legacy to your family and continue your legacy supporting God's mission. The Endowment Fund Committee receives gifts and bequests to use for further growth of our church, the mission and ministry of Emanuel Lutheran Church, and The Lutheran Church—MIssouri Synod, its districts, seminaries, colleges, institutions, or agencies. Through a planned gift to Emanuel Lutheran Church, you may:
Increase your annual income
Eliminate capital gains tax on assets
Gift the most appropriate/favorable assets to heirs and to the ministry you love
Receive a significant tax deduction
Lower your potential estate tax
Assure the transfer of your fullest possible estate value to heirs
Increase possible gifts to heirs and grandchildren
The easiest way to leave your legacy, sharing the Gospel, through Emanuel Lutheran Church is by including Emanuel as a designated beneficiary or contingent beneficiary of your:
Life insurance policy
TSA or other deferred plan
LCEF Certificate
Other equity asset
Emanuel Lutheran Church offers a variety of choices in developing a gift plan depending on your stewardship goals. If you are interested in learning more about the many benefits of gift plans and the options available, please contact The Endowment Fund Committee through the church office.